2nd Conference of E&ICLI


The European & International Criminal Law Institute held on Thursday, 17 December 2015, at the “Yannos Kranidiotis” Auditorium of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1 Akademias Str., Athens), its 2nd Conference with the general theme:

“Antiquities and International Criminal Law. International aspects of the judicial protection of cultural heritage”

Conference Chair:

Euterpe Koutzamani, Public Prosecutor of the Supreme Court of Greece

Opening Address:

Christos Mylonopoulos, Professor of Criminal Law & Criminal Procedure, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens: “Internationalism and Nationalism in the protection of antiquities with the means of criminal law. The criminal law aspects of the Parthenon Marbles case.”


  1. Andrea Castaldo, Professor of Criminal Law, University of Salerno: “Protection of cultural property in Italian criminal law”.
  2. Ioannis Androulakis, Lecturer in Criminal Law & Criminal Procedure, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens: “Criminal law aspects of international trafficking in cultural property”.
  3. Ι, Dr.jur., Attorney-at-Law: “Issues of error in the disposal of antiquities being the product of crime in the context of the international trade in antiquities”.
  4. Georgios Bourmas, Dr.jur., Attorney-at-Law: “The illegal possession of monuments (art. 59 law 3028/2002) and the territorial limits of domestic criminal laws”.

The programme ended with a discussion with the public. Certificates of attendance were given to participants.